Monday, November 14, 2011

Chicken ALA Cuomo?

AS the NYS legislative session fast approaches, so does the time when the game of chicken must finally begin between Gov Cuomo & the OWS(Occupy Wall Street movement) The Gov has been covertly flinching in his public avoidance of addressing the international movement that has arisen in his state, but with it going international and getting stronger every day, the time is fast approaching when he will, either by his actions or the actions of Mayor Bloomberg, and the other leaders of Occipied citties in the State, be put on the spot! The OWS movement and the response to same in NYS is one that will have serious implications and repercussions for Gov Cuomo, and as he enters another contentious legislative session, it is something that he cannot leave to chance, or in the hands of others!So I think, and I'm asking, as will soon many others, whats that plan Gov.?
where do you stand on the OWS situation? And what do you intend to do about it? Because the entire world will be waiting and watching to see what you say, and what you do!!!!

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